Are you ready to experience complete wellness, vitality and unlimited energy?

At Holistix we work with you so you can be the best version of you!

Food and the way we eat and digest food is the root cause of many health issues and for simply feeling under par, fatigued and low on energy.

At Holistix we work with you so you can be the best version of you!

Food and the way we eat and digest food is the root cause of many health issues and for simply feeling under par, fatigued and low on energy.

About me

I am an experienced Nutritionist with a Diploma from the Natural Healthcare College with a special interest in Naturopathic Nutrition.

Many health issues can be improved or even rectified with the right nutritional changes.

We work in close partnership with you to help you look and feel your best, inside and out!

7 Days to A Flatter Stomach

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Nutrition Programs

One to one consultation (1.5 hrs)

An in-depth consultation to identify the root causes of your health issues, looking at your medical history, diet and lifestyle. Functional testing will be arranged where applicable to correctly diagnose any underlying issues. 

A monthly Nutrition Plan will be prescribed along with recommendations for lifestyle changes and any supplements if needed.

3 months to Wellness

One to one consultation (1.5 hrs) 

An in-depth consultation to identify the root causes of your health issues, looking at your medical history, diet and lifestyle. Functional testing will be arranged where applicable to correctly diagnose any underlying issues. 

A monthly Nutrition Plan will be prescribed along with recommendations for lifestyle changes and any supplements if needed.

3 month weight loss and vitality transformation

One to one consultation (1.5 hrs)

An in-depth consultation to identify the root causes of any health issues, specifically identifying any physical or psychological barriers to your losing weight. Also looking at your medical history, diet and lifestyle. 

Functional testing will be arranged where applicable to correctly diagnose any underlying issues. 

A progressive 12 week personalised Nutrition Plan specifically designed to help you lose weight, will be prescribed along with recommendations for lifestyle changes and any supplements if needed.